Each product for which you click ‘Add to basket’ is added to a ‘shopping basket’ facility. You are given the opportunity to review your order of each item in your shopping basket when you choose to ‘check out’. You can change these, or cancel the purchase of each of the products completely, at this stage, at any time before clicking ‘place order’. After you have clicked ‘place order’, we will confirm acceptance of your order by means of an automatic acknowledgement sent to your email address shortly after you have placed your order but this does not constitute a contract to supply. We will then contact you to arrange delivery dates and payment details.
Your submission of an order amounts to an offer to enter a contract to buy the products from us; you cannot then withdraw or cancel your order except as stated below. Where we accept an order, we do all that we can to ensure that your order is fulfilled. Products are, however, subject to availability and market conditions and we do not always know if a product is or will be available at the time of accepting an order. If we are unable to deliver an item you have ordered, we may offer a reasonable substitute. You may reject that substitute and you will not be charged for it. If we do not offer a substitute, we will remove the product from your order so that you are not charged. We will, however, bear no liability for unavailability of products.
Subject to clauses a) and b) below, the price that we charge you for the products will be the price stated by us on the website prior to you clicking the ‘place order’ button.
- a)All Products offered by us are subject to seasonal changes in supply levels and supply prices. If you have repeat orders of additional products the prices may therefore differ from the price for those products when first ordered by you. The prices for all products ordered on a repeat basis shall be those prices for the products stated on our website. We recommend that you check the website regularly.
- b) Some of our products are priced by weight (for example, some meat and fish products). We show the prices for weights on the website. The average weight and price shown is for guidance only; the weight you receive may vary from this guide and the price you are charged will be for the weight of product delivered.
From our website you are able to purchase a variety of weekly boxes and add anything else you need without a further delivery charge. You are also able to put together your own box by selecting from our list of extras, which will include vegetables, fruits, salads, herbs, meats, dairy, jams, chutneys, bread and cakes, etc. Weekly box deliveries to the local area are free, however local, bespoke deliveries without a weekly box will be liable for a delivery/handling charge of £3.
You must be over the age of eighteen to purchase alcohol from Marshford Organic Foods. If you have ordered alcohol from us and cannot be at home at your agreed delivery time, it is your responsibility to ensure that a suitable person aged eighteen or older is there to receive the order.
We accept payment by credit or debit cards or cash. We do not accept payment online. We will contact you to discuss options after receipt of your order. We reserve the right to terminate our agreement with you if we are refused authority for payment at any stage.